EAC Certification: Your Gateway to the Customs Union Market

To export your products to the Customs Union market, you must undergo the EAC (Eurasian Conformity) certification procedure. This certification ensures that your products meet the Customs Union's safety and quality requirements. Manufacturers or importers are authorized to mark their goods with the EAC mark once the products pass quality checks for compliance with technical regulations. This authorization is confirmed by documents issued after the assessment: Declaration of Conformity and Certificate of Conformity, in obtaining which we provide assistance.

The specific document required depends on the type of product.

You may also require a State Registration Certificate (SGR). This is an official state document confirming the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the product and its authorization for circulation within the Customs Union zone.

We are delighted to provide expert consultation on all aspects of regulatory documents and assist you in obtaining them:

Istanbul Office: +90 (212) 698 60 71

Moscow Office: +7 (916) 948 51 27

[email protected]